Children’s Services
We help children develop to their full potential.
Speech, Language, and Feeding Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy Services help children communicate to the best of their ability for their age - a key to success in life and academic skills for functional daily living needs. We help children develop to their full potential.
We begin early helping children as young as infants accomplish developmental milestones vital for communicating effectively. We specialize in helping children build skills such as understanding what is said to them, communicating their needs effectively, interacting with others, producing sounds correctly, and speaking fluently.
Our services can also address feeding and swallowing issues so they can safely consume age-appropriate foods and liquids. We begin this process with a comprehensive evaluation.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy (OT) improves functional daily living needs for all ages from infant to adult. OT mainly addresses fine motor movement and sensory needs alongside visual integration necessary for optimal learning and performing daily living skills. OT helps infants to adults participate in their daily occupations, social interaction, school, self-care activities, and such as play. Along with play, children are learning how to feed themselves as well as interact with other children.
As children develop into the preschool years, their job involves dressing, participating in grooming and hygiene activities, and playing with peers with more imagination. The preschool age child also needs pre-kindergarten skills, such as cutting, drawing, and the ability to follow multi-step directions.
School Years
Within the school years, children refine these skills while developing further within handwriting, self-care, and community activities for functional daily living. We begin this process with a comprehensive evaluation.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy services for children involve improving daily living mobility functions to the best of their ability in motor movement, balance, and coordination. Physical therapy might be needed any time there is a problem with a child’s functional daily mobility that impacts their daily living skills for their age.
We specialize in developing or restoring a child’s ability to perform movements like rolling, crawling, walking, running, and jumping, also known as gross motor movements. Proper development in these areas also leads to long-term wellbeing by avoiding major issues for muscles and joints such as the knees and hips. We begin this process with a comprehensive evaluation.
Our physical therapists have been trained in the cranio-sacral protocol to address problems such as torticollis and head flattening in infants.