Deedra Branscum started RTS over 20 years ago in June of 2000 and has positioned RTS as the longest standing privately owned and community-based therapy company in Northwest Arkansas. Her passion to help children meet their full potential has allowed RTS to be a part of a large impact in the lives of many children and families in Northwest Arkansas.

Deedra noticed early in her therapy career that there were kids entering the public school system behind in needed developmental skills necessary for optimal success in school and daily living. These children were usually first identified by the schools and received limited services due to the huge number of kids that were needing therapy. Deedra saw an opportunity to make up that gap for children in our community and started focusing on therapy for children from birth to 5 years of age. RTS enables children to enter the school system at their fullest potential and have the best chance at success.

Our mission is to share love, joy, and encouragement to others as we serve the needs of children, families, and caregivers in this great community to make an impact in our world as we transform lives through therapy. RTS has been blessed with a great team that has a heart for our mission. That’s who RTS strives to be!

Deedra has been married to Ron for over 25 years and they are blessed with 7 children. She enjoys encouraging people and loves the opportunity to serve children and families as well as caregivers in Northwest Arkansas.

We look forward to working with you!

Who are we?